Financial Advisors Say, Do This

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Can I share a secret with you? I absolutely love budgets! Like, I totally geek out over creating budgets. I've even help my coaching clients with creating and following budgets (and recently helped a client minimize her monthly bills by over $660!)

Which got me thinking on this love day that finances and love are basically the same thing. Many financial advisors will tell you, pay yourself first. The same goes for your love bank, fill yourself up FIRST so that you can give more fully to others. (We will be talking more about self love in the upcoming EMBRACING YOU: 1 Day Retreat for Women).

There is a lot of self love talk these days, yet don't you feel like self love only comes into play once everyone else is taken care of, love and if there is any time or energy left then we will grab that #selflovebubblebath. 

As I have conversations with my clients around this topic it very quickly comes to light that many of us feel that self love is selfish, egotistical, conceited etc. 

But guess what, self love isn't selfish, egotistical or conceited - it is necessary! Without self love we become drained, feel stuck, tired and overwhelmed and frankly, quite unfulfilled in life. Taking time for self is vital in order to live your best life. 

Think of love as a bank. With every interaction your love bank gets debited.  With taking time for yourself or honouring yourself your love bank gets credited. A good way to know where you love bank balance is at is to look at how you feel.

Do you feel depleted, overwhelmed, tired, possibly resentful of those closest to you? These can be signs of not having enough credit in your love bank. Saying yes, when you want to say no. Not having clear boundaries in place in your relationships etc. Or do you feel quite content, fulfilled, secure, balanced, peaceful in your life? If you do, there is a good chance your love bank is in the green! 

The best part of self love is that the only one who is responsible for it - is YOU! When we lean into the fact that it's okay (and highly recommend) that we fill our own cup first. Often we look outside of ourselves to find love, value and belonging. 

I'm not saying we can't love or nurture others at the same time, absolutely, love others hard! I'm saying, when we focus on self love we start to honour ourselves at a deeper level, enjoy more fulfillment, and tap into the meaning of life and then have so much more to give to others.

Tell me, when was the last time you:

  • Gave yourself the gift of time, for self? 

  • Snuck away to enjoy nature and breathed in fresh air?

  • Connected to the knowings of your inner wisdom? 

My Valentines love day wish for you is to give yourself permission to take the walk, read the book, to enjoy tea with a friend, go on the retreat, because darling, you deserve it and so much more.


Tania J Maven 

Tania J Mavenlove, self love